Suffering from Arthritis? Mistletoe to the Rescue!
Not just for kissing – Mistletoe is a Powerhouse Medicinal Tool!
What is Viscum album (Mistletoe)?
In botany, Mistletoe is a hemi-parasitic plant that grows on certain varieties of trees including pine, oak and apple. As a hemi-parasite, it attaches itself to the host and drawn its nutrients directly from the host’s sap, as opposed to developing its own root system. Some species do photosynthesize to a certain degree, but to such a small extent that it does require its host to survive. For this reason, it never kills its host – that would be counterproductive as the Mistletoe plant would ultimately die - but rather lives in general harmony with the host.
How can Mistletoe help with Arthritis & Pain?
Mistletoe is a stimulatory treatment. It creates very small, localize micro-inflammation in areas around a painful joint thus drawing healing nutrients to the area
By doing so, Viscum album helps to decrease inflammation and pain in the affected joints, thus reducing or eliminating discomfort, improving mobility and quality of life
Mistletoe injections have been seen to delay or even remove the need for many harsher medications and sometimes even surgical intervention
How does Mistletoe work?
Viscum album is a safe, completely natural remedy used in the treatment of several types of arthritis and other inflammatory pain conditions
Extremely small injections of the compound are placed around painful joints right at the surface of the skin, thus creating the localized micro-inflammation
The Physiological effects of injected mistletoe include:
Local hyperemia (warmth)
Improve microcirculation
Immunomodulation and Analgesia (pain reduction)
Inhibition of proteases (which break down collagen)
Selective COX-2 Inhibition (COX-2 is an enzyme that causes inflammation)
Normalization of Matrix structures and Increased synthesis of Collagen and Connective Tissue
The extract has been shown to:
Decrease pain and inflammation
Improve mobility
Augment quality of life
What types of conditions can benefit from Mistletoe injections?
Given its therapeutic mechanism and physiological effects, it’s benefits may extend to almost any joint-pain conditions where inflammation is a key feature
Some of the conditions that are successfully treated include (but are not limited to):
Degenerative Joint diseases: Osteoarthritis, Spinal pain syndromes
Inflammatory and Autoimmune Conditions: Rheumatoid arthritis, Psoriatic arthritis
If you or someone you care about is suffering from pain and would like to discuss how Mistletoe therapy (or any other modality) might benefit you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!
In health
Dr Katarine Holewa ND RAc