If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you have lots of company. In fact, over 25% of Canadians report having allergies that have been diagnosed through testing. Of that group 40% are allergic to pollens and grasses.
Seasonal allergies are ones that affect individuals through parts of the year and they are environmental. The person with allergies has an immune system which has become confused and has created antibodies in the blood (like when you are vaccinated against a disease) against trees, grasses, weeds, or even mold (some molds found in your home could be around all year long). When an allergy sufferer inhales an allergen or it comes in contact with the eyes, skin, or respiratory membranes, the antibodies recognize the allergens and an allergic reaction is triggered.
The reaction is within minutes after exposure and various biochemical are released such as histamines and allergic symptoms start showing up. The most common symptoms are sneezing, itchy skin, eyes, or nose, watery or swollen eyes, skin rashes, or nasal congestion. Rarely do seasonal allergies affect breathing but if a patient has pre-existing asthma, breathing could be more compromised because of the increased inflammation caused by the allergic reaction. The type of symptoms and their severity varies from person to person.
Typical Western medicine approach to allergies is to prescribe over the counter or prescription anti-histamines. Desensitization was common practice in the past but is no longer used.
As a naturopathic physician, I have found that by taking care of the health of my patients, their seasonal allergies are much better managed. This mean we identify and avoid food allergies, heal leaky gut, strengthen the adrenals, and lower stress levels, this takes a load off the immune system so it is more tolerant to the seasonal allergens and far less reactive.
Talk to your naturopathic physician about supportive nutrients that can help symptomatically as well as by balancing/regulating the immune system. These include: vitamin A, carotenes, vitamin C, zinc, and quercitin. Homeopathic preparations such as AllerBalance have been used very effectively for increasing one’s tolerance to potential allergens.
If you are tired of suffering from seasonal allergies and cursing this time of the year, work with your naturopathic physician and make this be your best allergy season ever.