Rosacea... Don't cover up
Discover the Causes in order to resolve it permanently!
What’s going on with Rosacea?!
Rosacea is a relatively common inflammatory skin disorder that mainly afflicts adults between the ages of 30-50.
Women appear to be affected nearly three times as often as men.
And though many do not even realize they have it, it is estimated that between 60-75% of people may suffer from some degree of rosacea at some point in their lives, though it is frequently either undiagnosed or ignored.
There are actually several forms of rosacea:
Neurovascular Rosacea (flushing, redness, broken capillaries)
Inflammatory Rosacea (bumps, pimples, red plaques)
Phymatous Rosacea (enlargement of the nose)
Ocular Rosacea (watery bloodshot eyes, irritation, stinging)
Key Symptoms of Rosacea:
Main areas of concern are the nose and cheeks
Redness and inflammation that can look a bit like a sunburn
Swelling of affected areas (especially the nose)
Broken capillaries
Acne-like pimples (resemble teenage acne)
Roughening of the skin
Symptoms tend to wax and wane from month-month and year-year
Factors implicated in the development of Rosacea (these vary for each individual)
Food sensitivities/allergies.
Digestive imbalance
Low stomach acid
SIBO (Small Intestine bacterial Overgrowth)
Altered skin flora (yes! the bacteria on your skin can get out of balance)
Alcohol consumption (even light drinking can be a problem for some people).
Sun exposure (especially in fair-skinned individuals).
Stress, physical and emotional, can make flare-ups more frequent and severe
Menopause and hormonal imbalance/changes
Environmental exposures (smoke, exhaust, etc)
Sensitivities to the ingredients in certain soaps, creams and/or cosmetic products.
Traditional treatment: Typically focuses on symptom relief rather than treating the cause. Common prescriptions include antibiotics and Accutane®, and while these can help, without addressing the cause, symptoms tend to recur when the medication is stopped.
Naturopathic treatment: As with any condition, treatment and resolution of Rosacea depends on identifying and removing the cause and then supporting proper healing. This might involve:
Identification & Elimination of Food Sensitivities
Resolution of Inflammation
Avoidance of Irritating Foods
Healing the Gut &/or Resolving SIBO
FYI: Individuals with malabsorption are frequently deficient in many nutrients, particularly EFAs, vitamins (especially B12) and minerals.
Acupuncture: Qi imbalance shows on the surface of the body. Facial acupuncture can help to calm and rebalance the Qi, reducing inflammation and redness.
Stress reduction
Treating In AND Out
It’s important to remember that not only is what’s going on IN the body is important, what you’re putting ON your skin is critical as well
Many ingredients in skin care products can cause/worsen inflammation, alter skin flora and block pores.
Dr Katarine ND is trained to help guide you to products that are more appropriate not only for rosacea but also acne, aging, hyperpigmentation.
If you or anyone you care about is suffering with rosacea or any skin concern, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You work hard to be healthy and deserve gorgeous skin every day!
In Health,
Dr Katarine Holewa, ND RAc