Naturopathic Aesthetics

Cosmetic treatments use non-surgical, minimally invasive aesthetic therapies to help you achieve your beauty goals as an alternative to cosmetic surgery.

Beauty from the Inside Out!

Embrace the Power of Naturopathic Aesthetics for True Beauty from the Inside Out

Naturopathic Aesthetics uses safe and effective methods for improving skin tone and health, creating a relaxed and natural appearance. This approach to improving skin tone, feel and look combines naturopathic therapies to find the root cause of skin imperfections and conditions with scientifically proven methods to reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles.

Naturopathic Aesthetics uses safe and effective methods for improving skin tone and health, creating a relaxed and natural appearance. Dr. Holewa is fully licensed in Cosmetic Botox with extensive experience in administering injections. Botox is classified as a neuromodulator and can prevent muscle contraction that leads to fine lines and wrinkles. It has Health Canada approval.

Facial Acupuncture

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture or Cosmetic Acupuncture has an interesting history that is well documented and respected, dating back to the Qin dynasty! At the time it was only available to the wealthiest individuals as it was designed to preserve the beauty and health of the Emperor and Empress and concubines and was an imperial ‘secret’.

By using small acupuncture needles this gentle, natural therapy is recommended for improving the radiance and natural beauty of your skin. It works by rebalancing Qi (the circulating life force according to Traditional Chinese Philosophy and Medicine) throughout your body, which in turn reflects through on the skin and in particular the face. The wonderful thing about this therapy is that is as painless and gentle as constitutional acupuncture.

This form of therapy is gaining in popularity and is one of the most sought after of all acupuncture treatment. Probably because of its efficacy in minimizing the appearance of fine lines of the face and diminishing the appearance of deeper wrinkles. It can also lift drooping eyelids and decrease the tendency toward sagging skin, reduce puffiness in the skin and bags under the eyes. At the same time, it can treat hormonal acne, tighten pores, reduce excess oiliness of the skin, improve facial colour, skin tone and hydration.

In one reported study patients received five acupuncture session over three weeks. More than half of the participants showed an improvement in skin elasticity, which helps skin look plump.